S t e f  A n g e l  M u s i c 

C  r  e  a  t  i  v  e    S  o  l  u  t  i  o n  s

G e t  Y o u r  M u s i c  H e a r d


Your Subtitle text

Music Submission Policy

We prefer physical copies and press kits.

If you would like to send us your music for management consideration, licensing or any other of our services please send us an email to musicsubmission@stefangelmusic.com
and we will provide instructions for you to mail us a physical copy. 

Please note that your material will not be returned.

For consent to email us your music send us a link to where it can be heard at to: 

If we are interested we will respond. 

Thank you and we look forward to hearing new music everyday!